Record the weight from a scale or balance to a file – Simple Data Logger software

Connecting your scale to a PC and recording the weight should not be a difficult task. However, data logging software available from scale manufacturers or third parties is often expensive, difficult to use or frustratingly unreliable. We developed Simple Data Logger (SDL) to address these issues.

SDL writes the weight received from a scale or balance to a file, optionally adding the date and time. The CSV files generated by SDL can easily be opened in Excel and other spreadsheet applications for further processing and visualization.

Recording the weight from a precision balance using Simple Data Logger

SDL currently supports the following connections:

  • COM port: RS-232, USB virtual COM port, Bluetooth SPP, etc.
  • TCP/IP: Ethernet, WLAN (raw TCP format only).

Note: Your scale has to send data in ASCII format.

Get started recording weight values with Simple Data Logger

Connect your scale to your computer, download and install SDL, then follow these steps to configure the software (updated on December 7, 2019 – please refer to the documentation on the SDL website for the latest instructions):

  1. Input tab:
    Input tab: A&D scales and balancesIf your scale or balance is listed in SDL, simply select it and press the set default parameters for device button. Otherwise, select “generic measuring instrument” and enter the interface parameters manually. Set the radio button to match your connection: COM port (RS232, USB VCP, Bluetooth SPP) or TCP/IP.Make sure that you’ve specified a terminator (a.k.a. delimiter, the last character your scale sends in each line of data) or a timeout (e.g. 100ms, SDL will process received data if no additional data is received during this time).
  2. Output tab:
    Output tab (English US)Choose a file for the recorded data. SDL will create if for you if it does not exist (otherwise, data will be appended). Choose (or enter) a date and time format or select “None” from the list if you do not want SDL to add the date or time. Pick a decimal separator (for numeric values) and value separator (used to separate values from each other). The correct settings for your locale can be made automatically by clicking on the set values button.
  3. Start tab:
    Start tab: A&D FX-300i balancePress the start button to start recording data. Press the “PRINT” button on your scale or balance to send the weight to SDL. Depending on you scale, this button might have a different name (e.g. “DATA”). Some scales like the A&D FX-300i used in this example also have to ability to automatically transfer each (stable) weight. Data received will be shown in the event log (with the captured weight value shown in blue) and the weight will be written to the chosen file. Press stop to stop data logging and to close the file.

    Note: SDL can also handle continuous streams of weight data if this is what your application calls for (we’ve tested it with a scale which sends 100 values per second). The total number of recorded values is only limited by your disk space (but please keep in mind that Excel cannot open files containing more than 1,048,576 rows).

Process the weight values in Excel (or other spreadsheet applications)

Provided that you’ve made the right format settings in the output tab, you can easily open the CSV file in Excel (or other spreadsheet applications like Google Docs, OpenOffice/LibreOffice Calc). The weight will be recognized as a number, allowing you to make further calculations (i.e. calculating the total weight as shown below):
Everything shown here can be done with the “Basic” version of SDL (which is free for personal, non-commercial use). The “Plus” version has additional features including a timer to request the weight from the scale in user-defined intervals.

Very affordable licences can be purchased from our partner FastSpring (immediate license delivery).


Links and further information

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15 thoughts on “Record the weight from a scale or balance to a file – Simple Data Logger software”

  1. Can you please recommend a low cost (<$100) digital GRAM recording scale?
    Search results produce many digital gram scales, but none of the them mention data recording.
    Also how much is your data logging software application?
    Thank you.

  2. I’m using a Veritas L1502. Since it is not listed in your application I use the default setting for a Generic Measurement Device. I don’t see any transfer of data when pressing the Print button on the scale. Any ideas why this scale with a standard RS232 interface isn’t sending data over?

  3. Hi. I’m looking for a straight hourly weight data logging from an Avery Weigh-Tronix indicator coupled with MOXA Nport RS-232 to TCP/IP. You think the SDL can handle this simple task?

    1. No, not at the same time. SDL can only connect to one scale; if you run multiple instances of the software, they can’t write to the same file.

  4. Hi, I appreciate the development of what seems to me a much needed product. I have been trying to get an Ohaus Aviator7000 to read data into my pc for quite a while now but without success. Do you know if your application will work with the Aviator7000? I am using an old Windows 7 laptop and have had trouble with the driver, such that I am going to try upgrading the OS before trying again, but it would be helpful to know beforehand whether or not the developer is confident this application will work with an Aviator 7000 before I undertake all the troubleshooting.

    1. The Ohaus Aviator 7000 price computing scale supports several protocols for integration into POS systems: CAS, Avery Berkel, Dialog 06, L2 Mettler Toledo, Anker, Dialog 02/04 and NCI. However, it does not have a print/data transfer key (at least in the version that we can get here in the EU).

      This means that the software would have to use one of these protocols to request the weight from the scale. In Simple Data Logger, this could currently only be done using the timer (which is probably not what you want).

      I therefore do not currently recommend this scale for use with SDL. Other than the technical issues, there are also legal aspects to consider in many jurisdiction (in the EU, you’re not allowed to connect scales for use in direct sales to software and equipment which is not verified).

  5. Hello.

    I need to use the data logger on one scale platform with ohaus indicator. But I need to put classifications push buttons with 5 selections. So operator once see the goods on scale. Make his selection depend on quality and then push the button.
    Is it possible to work in this way ???

    1. Hi, this is currently not possible with SDL but customizable buttons will be available in a future release and they will allow you to change the label (text) recorded with the weight. A separate check weighing software is also under development, please subscribe to our newsletter to be informed: