Using Ohaus Defender 3000 Scales with BarTender

In this article, I’ll show you how to capture the weight (and tare weight) from an Ohaus Defender 3000 scale using BarTender while avoiding an issue that would otherwise lead to the scale showing only “Print” on its display.


This guide applies to the new generation of Ohaus Defender 3000 scales launched at the end of 2021/beginning of 2022. The picture below shows the new indicator on the right and its predecessor on the left.

Ohaus Defender 3000 indicators: Old model on the left, new one on the right.

It was created using Bartender Designer 2022 R8 and version 1.04 of the Ohaus Defender 3000 firmware. Future versions might make things easier (or more difficult, as seems to be the general trend).

Can you use existing Ohaus scales defined in BarTender?

Let’s try it out. In the menu, go to Administer > Weighing Scale Setup:

BarTender Weighing Scale Setup

If no scale has been defined yet, this will launch the Add Scale Wizard (otherwise, click on Add Scale in the windows that appears):

BarTender Add Scale Wizard

After clicking next, you’ll be able to select “Ohaus” as the manufacturer and you’ll see a number of supported models. Select “Ohaus 3000 Series” (as this sounds most similar to “Ohaus Defender 3000 series”):

BarTender Add Scale Wizard Ohaus scales

Continue by specifying the connection method. If your scale is connected via USB or RS-232, you’ll also have to choose the COM port and confirm the interface parameters (Flow Control is set to XON/XOFF by default, it doesn’t really matter):

Click next on all further steps of the wizard. After completing it, we can now test the scale. Select it and click on Properties:

In the window that opens, switch to the Connection tab, then click on Test Connection:

Bartender will start sending the “IP” (Immediate Print) command to the scale to request the weight. It does so multiple times per seconds (4 times by default). It seems to capture the net weight correctly (5.005 kg in the screenshot below):

However, there are at least two issues with this method.

1. The scale shows “Print” all the time

When the scale receives the “IP” command, not only does it reply by sending the weight, but it also shows “Print” on its display. As BarTender sends this command multiple times per second, “Print” is all that you’ll see:

My opinion: Displaying “Print” when the user presses the Print button on the scale is useful (it gives the user feedback). Displaying it when the “P” command is received can be justified by saying that the scale should behave just as if the user had pressed the physical button. However, displaying it when the scale receives “IP” does not make much sense to me. I’m hoping Ohaus will reconsider this and change it in a firmware update. Until then, you can use the solution described below.

2. You cannot use a tare weight

The second issue I found is that once you’ve used the scale’s tare function, BarTender is no longer able to capture the net weight (and it also can’t capture the tare weight):

Solution: Define a new scale that uses the MT-SICS protocol

Unlike its predecessor, the new Defender 3000 supports (some) MT-SICS commands. The MT-SICS equivalent to the “IP” (Immediate Print) command is the “SI” (send immediately) command1. Fortunately, the scale replies to this command without displaying “Print”. Moreover, it also supports the “TA” command that BarTender uses with MT-SICS Level 1 scales to request the tare weight.

Note: You can explicitly set the scale to “SICS” by going into the “Print” menu (for RS-232) or “Print1” (for USB or Ethernet) and setting “Assignment” to “SICS”, but this was not necessary in my tests.

Let’s start the Add Scale Wizard again, but this time, you don’t select an existing model. Instead, choose Define a model not listed above:

Define a new scale model

Then, select Ohaus as the manufacturer and enter a name for your new model, e.g. “Ohaus Defender 3000 SICS”. Under Protocols Supported by this Scale, select “Mettler Toledo (MT-SICS Level 1)”:

Continue with the Wizard as before.

I used this opportunity to test the optional Ethernet interface of the new Ohaus Defender 3000. I set it to acquire an IP address via DHCP (which is out of the scope of this tutorial), connected it to our network and then copied its IP address from the menu under Ethernet/IP Address. The port (which is also displayed by the scale) is alway 9761:

Specify scale connection in Bartender: TCP/IP Network Port

You can – of course – still connect to the scale using a COM port.

After completing the Add Scale Wizard, it is again time to test the connection. Click on Properties:

Installed Scales: Ohaus Defender 3000 SICS

In the new window, switch to the Connections tab and click on Test Connection:

You’ll now see that the net weight and tare weight are acquired correctly:

Ohaus Defender 3000 current weight shown in BarTender

Futhermore, the scale’s display now shows the weight instead of just “Print”.


The new Ohaus Defender 3000 scales are compatible with BarTender, but initial setup is not quite as straightforward as one might expect. You’ll get the best results by defining a new scale that uses the MT-SICS protocol (which the new Defender 3000 supports, unlike its predecessor).

I hope this tutorial is helpful. Please don’t hesitate to leave a comment, but please note that I am in no way a BarTender expert and that answering BarTender-related questions is not something I particularly enjoy. I suggest using the BarTender’s Online Help system or contacting Seagull Scientific if you need support with their software.

  1. Well actually, the equivalent would be “SIU” (send immediately in display unit), but this article is long enough and “SI” is the better choice anyway. ↩︎

Using Ohaus Defender 5000 scales with BarTender

BarTender from Seagull Scientific is “the world’s leading design and print software for labels, barcodes, cards and RFID tags.” In this article, I’ll show you how to capture the net weight and tare weight from an Ohaus Defender 5000 scale with BarTender.


  • This guide applies to the new generation of Ohaus Defender 5000 scales (2018 or later).
  • It was created using BarTender 2019 R8 and version 1.05 of the Ohaus Defender 5000 firmware. It may not apply to future versions.
  • I’m not a BarTender expert, if you think that you have a better solution, please let me know in the comments.

BarTender communicates with a scale by requesting the weight and – if supported – the tare weight in short intervals (every 250 ms by default). The received data is then parsed using regular expressions.

Unfortunately, the “Ohaus” protocols defined in BarTender do not work with the default settings of the current Defender 5000 scales. They also don’t support requesting the tare weight. Therefore, we’ll use the MT-SICS protocol instead. As you’ll see below, this is a very straightforward solution. However, for a limited number of multi-interval Defender 5000 scales, we’ll need to modify the regular expressions used by BarTender.

Note for legal-for-trade applications (verified scales): If you’re planning to use the alibi memory (SD card) installed in the Defender 5000 indicator, please note that the solution proposed here does not create alibi records. To do so, you would have to use the Ohaus “P” (print) command instead of the MT-SICS command to request the weight. However, this would create an alibi entry every 250 ms, which is probably not what you want either. In my opinion, the communication method used by BarTender is not well suited for use with verified scales and alibi records.

Configuring your Ohaus Defender 5000 scale

Note: This guide assumes that you’ve already connected your scale to your PC. I used the standard RS-232 port found on all current Defender 5000 models. Using the optionally available USB or Bluetooth interface (SPP) would be almost identical.

Apparently, you do not need to change the configuration of the scale, as it already supports MT-SICS commands in its default “Demand” mode. However, if you want to explicitly set it to the MT-SICS protocol, press and hold the Menu button, then press 7 to enter the Communication menu, select the interface you’re using, press 2 for Setup and then change the Assignment from “Demand” to “SICS”:
Ohaus Defender 5000 scale SICS

The other settings on this screen should not matter, as they’re irrelevant for the selected protocol.

Configuring BarTender

Add Scale Wizard Step 1

Start Bartender Designer, select Administer>Weighing Scale Setup and Add Scale. This will launch the Add Scale Wizard. Click on Next.

BarTender Add Scale Wizard 1

As mentioned, simply selecting “Ohaus 5000 Series” (or any other Ohaus model) will not work with the current Defender 5000 scales. Instead, select Define a model not listed above and click on Next.

Add Scale Wizard Step 2

BarTender Add Scale Wizard 2Select “Ohaus” as the manufacturer and enter a model name (e.g. “Defender 5000 SICS”).

If your scale is a single interval scale (which means that the readability does not change over the entire weighing range), select the “Mettler Toledo (MT-SICS Level 1)” protocol and click on Next. Then skip to step 3 of this guide far below.

If your scale is a multi-interval scale, things may get a bit more complicated. It all depends on the readability (aka “graduation”, “d” or “e”) of your scale. If it has the same number of decimal places over all intervals when using the default unit (kg), you can also go to step 3. If the number of decimal places is not the same, continue reading here.


Ohaus Defender 5000 scale dual interval
0.005 kg = 3 decimals, 0.01 kg = 2 decimals

Creating a new protocol

For multi-interval scales that don’t have a constant number of decimal places, we have to make a tiny change to the regular expressions defined in BarTender’s MT-SICS Level 1 protocol. Since we can’t modify existing protocols, click on New to create a new one.

BarTender Add Scale Wizard 3

Give the new protocol a name (e.g. “SICS”) and click on Copy existing Protocol.

BarTender Add Scale Wizard 4Select “Mettler Toledo (MT-SICS Level 1)” and confirm with OK. All fields for the commands and response patterns should now be filled in.

BarTender Add Scale Wizard 5

In every single response pattern except for the last one, locate the following string:


Change it to:


By adding a plus sign, the regular expression now matches strings which contain one or more spaces (\x20) in between the weight (or tare) value and the unit. This is necessary because some multi-interval Defender 5000 scales use two spaces after switching to the second interval:

RegexBuddy weight values with defaul MT-SICS regex

Note how the second line contains two spaces after “22.25”. With the default regular expression defined in BarTender, this weight value (and all others in the same interval) would not be captured.

I don’t know if BarTender was too strict or if Ohaus was too lax in implementing the MT-SICS protocol. I believe it’s better if I don’t comment on this any further. According to the MT-SICS protocol documents I’ve reviewed, the weight should be right-aligned and separated from the unit with one space character. However, the descriptions of MT “DeltaRange” multi-interval balances mention that the last digit is replaced by a space when the number of decimal places changes:

Source (PDF)

Therefore, it seems that Ohaus did nothing wrong and the regular expression in BarTender did not account for this scenario.

Note: If you’re regularly dealing with regular expression, I highly recommend the wonderful RegexBuddy software.

Your user-defined protocol should now look like this:
BarTender: Add scale wizard 6Click on OK.

BarTender Add Scale Wizard 7

Select the protocol we’ve just defined and click on Next.

BarTender Add Scale Wizard 8Everything in this dialog should be correctly configured for the use of a serial port (RS-232, USB or Bluetooth SPP). Click on Next.

Add Scale Wizard Step 3

BarTender Add Scale Wizard 9

Welcome back, my lucky readers who did not have to deal with protocols and regular expressions. Change the name of the scale if you feel like it and then click on Next.

BarTender Add Scale Wizard 10

In this dialog, you must specify the COM port on your computer that is used to connect to your Ohaus Defender 5000 scale.

BarTender Add Scale Wizard 11

This is it! We’re done! Click on Finish, but don’t bring out the champagne just yet.

Testing your Ohaus Defender 5000 scale

Bartender weigh scale setup

Back in the Weighing Scale Setup, select the scale you’ve just added and click on Properties.

BarTender weighing scale setup properties

Click on Test Connection. If everything is correct, BarTender should show the Net Weight and Tare Weight received from your scale:

BarTender Weighing Scale Connection TestIn that case, congratulations, you succeeded. You can now use the values from your scale in BarTender.

Should you not see any weight values, you’ll find some troubleshooting information below.

Troubleshooting a scale connection

Unfortunately, communication problems with scales can have many causes and are often difficult to solve. I can’t give you extensive troubleshooting instructions here, but I’ll tell you the same thing I also tell our software users: Download HTerm, a simple terminal program. Then try to communicate with your scale using HTerm instead of BarTender:

HTERM used for scale troubleshooting (MT-SICS protocol)

Change the following settings in HTerm:

  • COM port,
  • Baud to 9600,
  • Newline at to “CR+LF” (optional, looks nicer),
  • Send on enter to “CR-LF” (required).

Click on the Connect button at the top (shown as Disconnect in the screenshot as I had already clicked on it). Then type the “SI” (send immediately) command manually into the input field (lower red arrow) and press enter.

You should see the command you just sent under Transmitted data and the reply from the scale under Received Data (marked green on the screenshot).

If communication is successful with HTerm but not with BarTender, the problem is with BarTender. If you’ve changed the regular expression as described above, double-check that you’ve not made any mistakes. Contact Seagull Scientific for further support. Please don’t ask me for help in the comments.

If you can’t communicate with your Defender 5000 scale using HTerm, something is wrong with your setup. In my experience, the most likely culprits are:

  • Wrong COM port.
  • Wrong interface parameters (baud rate, etc.).
  • Wrong type of serial cable.

Please understand that I cannot diagnose these problems for you remotely. You may want to contact your Ohaus dealer or pay a specialist to help you.

Did this article save you a lot of time? Please consider supporting my work by buying a PDF version for US$2/copy (contains no additional information).

Last updated on August 14, 2020: Added information concerning the MT-SICS response format.